Longreach School of Distance Education

Longreach School of Distance Education
Busby House Removals Demolition and Asbestos were engaged by QBuild in mid-June to undertake the partial demolition of the “Quarters” building at the Longreach School of Distance Education. The works included the removal of asbestos sheeting, in the form of sandwich panels, making up most of the ceilings and walls. Due to this the works were required to be done during the June / July school holidays under the supervision of an independent hygienist. Once the asbestos had been removed and a clearance certificate issued by the hygienist, the Busby crew began the demolition of the remaining framework, but only down to the sub-floor structure, which QBuild are going to use to rebuild a new administration building. The veranda flooring had to be protected during the demolition process as it is to remain. The job was made even more “enjoyable” by unheard of rainfall, in Longreach, in winter!
The men did an exceptional job in very trying conditions in very good time.